This is my submission for the GMTK 2022 Game Jam. The theme of the Jam was "Roll of the Dice" and participants had 48 hours to create a game around that theme.


Because I didn't make time to add a tutorial, ill explain the game here.

First the dice are rolled at the bottom of the screen, then you can place the dice in any of the slots. Each character has 3

one for Healing

one for Attacking

and one for Shielding

it's up to you to decide where the dice go, but once you feel good about it, press the end turn button and your actions will be carried out.

The enemy will then attack one of your players at random if one of their health bars drops to zero, you lose

but if you kill the enemy, you can move on

Hope you like it

Full Screen Please!!


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I enjoyed it too, I think it could easily have been turned into an infinite survival type thing, and the health should carry forward instead of resetting.

i actually enjoyed great and fun concept